Monthly Sales List

Northern / R&B / 60's Soul

Just click on the logo to hear each sound

Crossover / 70’s / Modern Soul   
Artist Title Comments Label Price £  
  Please note that the next Monthly List will be up early, on Tuesday, February 25th      
Johnson, Lou Unsatisfied VG++/label wear-flip/classic Bigtop 20
Johnson, Lou Unsatisfied EX-/classic Bigtop 25
Johnson, Lou Unsatisfied EX+/classic Bigtop 30
Johnson, Lou Unsatisfied M-/yellow lbl/classic Bigtop 40
Parakeets I want you right now (feint wol & stmol) / I love you like I do EX-/w/demo/great/nice flip too Bigtop 35
Bitter/Sweet Once again / Living on love M-/blue-eyed mid-tempo Bitter/Sweet 10
Bristow, Rod Bye bye, so long / I'm just a fool EX+/2 great sides Black Pearl 25
Ad Libs Johnny my boy VG++/light lbl ring dirt/plays nice/classic Blue Cat 40
Ad Libs Johnny my boy (NOT FOR SALE- erased & blacked out) VG+/w/promo/plays nice/classic Blue Cat 50
Bouquets Welcome to my heart / Ain't that love EX+/w/demo/2 great sides Blue Cat 50
Fenways The fight / Hard road ahead (feint xol) EX+/w/promo/2 great sdes Blue Cat 20
Soul Brothers I got a dream/Keep it up VG++/ink stamp ol/2 great sides Blue Cat 12
Soul Brothers I got a dream / Keep it up M-/ink stamp ol/2 great sides Blue Cat 15
Osborn, Richetta My sweet baby (ink stamp ol) M-/superb Blue River 200
Adventurers Something bad is happening / Nobody can save me VG+/w/promo/superb Blue Rock 100
Adventurers Something bad is happening / Nobody can save me EX+/superb Blue Rock 125
Brothers Of Love Check my love EX+/superb Blue Rock 30
Brothers Of Love Check My Love M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/superb Blue Rock 40
Brothers Of Love Yes I am VG+/recommended Blue Rock 10
Brothers Of Love Yes I am M-/recommended Blue Rock 15
Chi-Lites I'm so jealous / The mix mix song EX+/2 great sides Blue Rock 25
Chi-Lites I'm so jealous / The mix mix song EX-/w/promo/2 great sides Blue Rock 30
Commotions Handy man / We'll make it someday VG+/recommended Blue Rock 12
Commotions Handy man/We'll make it someday M-/recommended Blue Rock 25
Dee Dee Warwick We're doing fine / I want to be with you VG+/great Blue Rock 8
Dee Dee Warwick You don't know / We're doing fine VG++/2 great sides Blue Rock 15
Diamond, Tony Don't turn away / You're the sweetest yet EX+/w/promo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Blue Rock 125
Domino, Renaldo Don't go away / Just say the word VG+/medium colour lbl ring wear/plays nice/2 great sides Blue Rock 30
Leavill, Otis It's the same old me VG++/light lbl ring/great Blue Rock 15
Little Rose Little Bye bye big boy M-/sl warp-nap/demo/great Blue Rock 15
Little Rose Little Bye bye big boy M-/great Blue Rock 20
Little Rose Little Bye bye big boy M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great Blue Rock 20
Matthews, Johnnie Mae I can't live without you VG++/w/promo/nice ballad Blue Rock 5
Moore, Johnny Lonely heart in the city / That's what you said VG+/label ring wear/2 superb sides Blue Rock 15
Moore, Johnny Lonely heart in the city / That's what you said VG++/light label wear/2 superb sides Blue Rock 20
Moore, Johnny Lonely heart in the city / That's what you said EX+/slight label spot ring wear/2 superb sides Blue Rock 25
Moore, Johnny Lonely heart in the city / That's what you said (sm sol) EX/2 superb sides Blue Rock 25
Moore, Johnny Such a wonderful feeling / Without your love EX/v sl lbl colour spot wear/2 superb sides Blue Rock 40
Shirelles Sweet sweet lovin' / Don't mess with cupid M-/2 great sides Blue Rock 10
Fabians Would you believe EX/superb Blue Rocket 60
Ike & Tina Turner Crazy bout you baby EX+/great R&B Blue Thumb 15
Peterson, Leon Searching M-/recommended Bobbin 40
Variations Yesterday is gone VG++/label wear-flip/1st label/superb Bob-Joy 30
Brothers Of Soul Hurry, don't linger / I guess that don't make me a loser VG+/2 great sides Boo 10
Baby Dolls I will do it / Now that I've lost you EX+/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Boom 25
Parrish, Dean Tell her VG/gold spot ol-flip/great Boom 10
Parrish, Dean Tell her VG++/great Boom 20
Parrish, Dean Tell her M-/VG++ flip/great Boom 25
Parrish, Dean Tell her EX+/w/promo/great Boom 40
Wayne, Tammy Have a good time EX+/w/promo/Inc Co slv/recommended Boom 75
Emotions I can't stand no more heartaches M-/great Brainstorm 10
Clark, Lewis Dog ain't a man's best friend / Same EX-/w/promo/superb R&B Brent 50
Clark, Lewis Dog ain't a man's best friend / Same (sm wol) EX+/w/promo/great up-tempo R&B Brent 60
Lester, Carl When you see me hurt / Don't you know that I believe EX+/re-issue/2 great sides Brent 6
Lovells Here come the heartaches (ink stamp ol) / My time to cry EX+/w/demo/superb/great flip too Brent 40
Lovells Here come the heartaches / My time to cry VG++/w/demo/superb/great flip too Brent 35
Rose, Sue Luckiest day of my life EX+/w/demo/sm date stamp ol/highly recommended Brent 50
Rose, Sue Luckiest day of my life (sm date stamp ol) M-/w/demo/highly recommended Brent 60
Tillman, Bertha Lovin' time EX+/recommended Brent 15
Wood, Brenton Sweet Molly Malone / I want love (light lbl ring) VG++/2 superb sides Brent 75
Wood, BRETON Good lovin' / I want love (sm wol) EX-/promo/miss-spelled 1st name/2 superb sides Brent 60
Lee, Leonard I'm a poor boy with millions EX/w/demo/great Broadmoor 20
Phillips, Sandra You succeeded (feint wol) EX+/few v ligt lbl scratches-flip/gold lbl/classic Broadway 60
Artistics Hope we have / I'm gonna miss you VG++/2 great sides Brunswick 10
Artistics The chase is on / One last chance EX-/2 great sides Brunswick 20
Artistics The chase is on / One last chance EX/2 great sides Brunswick 25
Baker, LaVern One monkey don't stop the show VG++/promo/sm wol/great Brunswick 25
Baker, LaVern One monkey don't stop the show EX+/promo/great Brunswick 30
Carter, Chuck I can't help myself (xol) / Pretty litle brown skin girl EX-/light lbl ring wear//2 great sides Brunswick 50
Cooperettes Shing-a-ling (stmol/sm lbl scuff) VG++/Inc Co slv/classcic Brunswick 150
Gene Chandler & Barbara Acklin Will I find love M-/recommended Brunswick 15
Holmes, Sherlock What An Argument M-/demo/TOP TIP!!!!!! Brunswick 40
Leavill, Otis Baby / Can't stop loving you VG+/y/promo/wol/2 superb sides Brunswick 40
Leavill, Otis Baby / Can't stop loving you VG+/2 superb sides Brunswick 40
Loreleis A strange way M-/y/promo/Inc Co slv/recommended Brunswick 60
Reed, Bobby You are M-/y/promo/Inc Co slv/great Brunswick 60
Smith, Marvin I want something to remember you by / Love ain't nothin' but pain EX+/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Brunswick 15
Symphonics Silent kind of guy EX+/Inc Co slv/great Brunswick 20
Tapp, Demetriss Let go my heart M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Brunswick 15
Wilson, Jackie Haunted house / I'm travelin' on` EX/2 great sides Brunswick 12
Wilson, Jackie Haunted house / I'm travelin' on` EX+/2 great sides Brunswick 15
Wilson, Jackie I don't want to lose you / Just be sincere EX-/2 superb sides Brunswick 15
Wilson, Jackie I don't want to lose you / Just be sincere EX+/promo/ink stamp ol's/xol-flip/2 superb sides Brunswick 25
Wilson, Jackie I get the sweetest feeling / Nothing but heartaches (Blue Skies) EX+/classic/great flip too Brunswick 10
Wilson, Jackie Since you showed me how to be happy / The who who song EX/2 great sides Brunswick 15
Wilson, Jackie You brought about a change in me EX+/y/promo/superb Brunswick 30
Young-Holt Unlimited Soulful strut EX-/classic Inst Brunswick 6
Young-Holt Unlimited Soulful strut EX+/classic Inst Brunswick 8
Young-Holt Unlimited Soulful strut M-/Inc Co slv/classic Inst Brunswick 10
Bartley, Chris I know we can work it out / My baby's one wonderful girl M-/promo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Buddah 40
Chee-Chee And Peppy My love will never fade away EX/vinyl/great Buddah 3
Courtney, Lou Tryin' to find my woman VG++/promo/classic Buddah 60
J.J. Barnes Evidence / I'll keep coming back M-/promo/Inc Co slv/great Buddah 20
Lumpkin, Henry Honey hush M-/great Buddah 10
Ray, Chuck Baby please don't let go EX/promo/superb Buddah 25
Ray, Chuck Baby please don't let go M-/promo/Inc Co slv/superb Buddah 30
Wilson, Timothy Got to find a new love / Baby baby please EX+/great/nice flip too Buddah 20
Wilson, Timothy Loving you / Pigtails EX-/2 superb sides Buddah 25
Wilson, Timothy Loving you / Pigtails EX/promo/SOL's/2 superb sides Buddah 25
Esquires You say / State fair EX+/recommended Bunky 8
Esquires You say / State fair (sm sl lbl fade) EX/recommended Bunky 6
Esquires You say / State fair (sm wol) EX/recommended Bunky 6
Millionaires Cherry baby / I thought about you EX-/feint wol/2 superb sides Bunny 25
Millionaires Cherry baby / I thought about you M-/2 superb sides Bunny 30
Moore, Bernie Forty-five rpm's EX+/great Burdett 12
Blanchard, Bonnie A real good lovin man / Same-mono M-/w/promo/recommended C.R.S 60
Dells Make sure EX+/EX- flip/Inc Co slv/awesome soul!!! Cadet 15
Dells Run for cover / Over again M-/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Cadet 75
Dells Thinkin' about you EX/superb Cadet 60
James, Etta Security M-/tiny drill hole at edge of middle hole/great Cadet 6
Shaw, Marlena Brother where are you EX+/Inc Co slv/great Cadet 6
Hall, Dora Pretty boy EX-/great Calamo 10
Burks, Gene You got it (wol/sol) VG+/promo/plays great/highly recommended Calla 30
Emotions She's my baby (I just can't let her go) / Baby I need your lovin' EX/2 good sides Calla 12
Frankie And The Classicals What shall I do EX/# C-127-BN/classic Calla 50
Frankie And The Classicals What shall I do (label sl off cntr) VG/# C-127-BN/label ring wear/plays nice/classic Calla 15
Maze Chained To Your Heart M-/great version Calla 15
Maze Chained To Your Heart EX+/demo/great version Calla 20
Orlons Spinnin' top EX-/promo/classic Calla 35
Wells, Jean With my love and what you've got EX-/promo/C-152/light label stain & wear/wol/superb Calla 25
Wells, Jean With my love and what you've got EX/2 x's ol-flip/superb Calla 25
Wells, Jean With my love and what you've got EX-/promo/C-152/superb Calla 30
Witches & A Warlock Heavenly love EX-/recommended Calla 25
Dee Dee Sharp Deep dark secret / Good VG/VG+ flip//label colour wear/2 superb sides Cameo 40
Knight, Terry Come Home, Baby M-/Inc Co sleeve/great Cameo 20
Knight, Terry Come Home, Baby EX+/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Cameo 25
Orlons Crossfire ! / It's no big thing EX-/light wol-flip/Inc colour Co slv/great Cameo 8
Orlons Crossfire ! / It's No Big Thing EX-/great Cameo 8
Orlons Crossfire ! / It's No Big Thing M-/Inc EX+ colour picture sleeve/great Cameo 12
Orlons Crossfire! / It's no big thing EX+/2 superb sides Cameo 8
Orlons I ain't comin' back VG+/lbl ring dirt/recommended/plays nice Cameo 15
Orlons I ain't comin' back M-/w/promo/ink stamp ol's/recommended Cameo 25
Orlons I ain't comin' back (SOL) M-/w/promo/WOL's/recommended Cameo 15
Orlons I ain't comin' back (WOL) M-/w/promo/ink stamp & 2 light x's ol-flip/recommended Cameo 20
Moffett, Johnny You're the one EX+/w/promo/great Canterbury 30
Fawns Nothing but love can save me EX/Scepter dist/wol-flip/great Capcity 10
Washington, Michael Stay Mine (tiny lbl scuff) / inst. M-/great Capcity 15
Washington, Michael Stay mine / inst. VG++/great Capcity 12
Andrews, Ernie Where were you when I needed you / What do I see in the girl VG++/2 great sides Capitol 8
Barbara & The Believers What can happen to me now VG+/promo/xol-flip/superb Capitol 15
Barbara & The Believers What can happen to me now M-/promo/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 30
Bonney, Graham Super girl EX/classic Capitol 8
Bonney, Graham Super girl M-/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 10
Diamond, Randy I can't live without you / Giving you my love M-/promo/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Capitol 30
Drew, Patti He's the one (sm wol) M-/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 25
Drew, Patti He's the one M-/demo/superb Capitol 30
Drew, Patti I've been here all the time M-/demo/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 10
Drew, Patti Stop and listen EX-/promo/superb Capitol 45
Drew, Patti Stop and listen (WOL) VG++/promo/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 40
Drew-vels Tell him / Just because VG++/v sl lbl ring/2 great sides Capitol 20
H. B. Barnum Heartbreaker VG+/wol/lbl colour ring wear/plays nice/classic Capitol 75
H. B. Barnum Heartbreaker VG++/promo/Inc Co slv/classic Capitol 85
Hal & Jean Don't tell me lies VG++/Inc Co slv/great R&B Capitol 10
Hal & Jean Don't tell me lies M-/Inc Co slv/great R&B Capitol 15
Harris, Jill You really didn't mean it / His kiss EX-/2 great sides Capitol 25
Harris, Jill You really didn't mean it / His kiss M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Capitol 30
Hightower, Willie Because I love you EX/xol-flip/recommended Capitol 50
Hightower, Willie Because I love you EX-/promo/slight label stain/Inc Co slv/recommended Capitol 50
Jades Ain't it funny what love can do EX+/sm wol/Inc Co slv/demo/great version Capitol 15
Jades Ain't it funny what love can do M-/Inc Co slv/demo/great version Capitol 20
Love, Marian The right to cry EX+/Inc Co slv/superb version Capitol 25
Love, Marian The right to cry M-/demo/superb version Capitol 30
Magnificent Men Tired of pushing M-/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 15
Malone, Cindy Watch what you do with my baby (wol) VG+/great Capitol 10
Mason, Tina Finders keepers EX/superb Capitol 35
Mason, Tina Finders keepers M-/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 40
Mosley, Robert Crazy 'bout my baby / Goodbye my lover goodbye EX+/light lbl edge colour wear/2 great sides Capitol 15
Mosley, Robert Crazy bout my baby / Goodbye my lover goodbye M-/2 great sides Capitol 20
Outsiders Time won't let me EX-/classic Capitol 8
Outsiders Time won't let me EX/sl lbl ring/classic Capitol 8
Outsiders Time won't let me EX+/sm ink spot ol/classic Capitol 10
Outsiders Time won't let me EX+/feint wol/classic Capitol 10
Paris, Bobby I walked away M-/promo/Inc Co slv/classic/stunning condition!!! Capitol 500
Rawls, Lou The house next door (xol) VG++/superb Capitol 40
Sam And The Iridescents Without my sugar EX+/promo/Inc Co slv/recommended Capitol 30
Smith, Verdelle A piece of the sky EX+/2 great sides Capitol 6
Smith, Verdelle Walk tall (label edge wear/light lbl spot stains) VG++/great Capitol 5
Staton, Dakota Don't mean maybe EX-/w/promo/great R&B Capitol 60
Thrills Bring it on home to me M-/sl lbl damage/great Capitol 12
Thrills Bring it on home to me M-/great Capitol 15
Wilson, Nancy Peace of mind VG++/promo/great Capitol 3
Wilson, Nancy The end of our love EX-/xol-flip/classic Capitol 12
Wilson, Nancy The end of our love EX-/classic Capitol 12
Wilson, Nancy The end of our love EX/Inc Co slv/classic Capitol 15
Wilson, Nancy The end of our love EX/promo/Inc Co slv/classic Capitol 30
Wright, Ruben Hey girl / I'm walking out on you EX/2 great sides Capitol 12
Johnson, Hawkins Tatum & Durr Your love keeps drawing me closer (v sl lbl ring wear) EX+/recommended Capsoul 60
Jackson, Deon Hard to get a thing called love (ink stamp ol) / When your love has gone EX-/w/promo/2 great sides Carla 35
Jackson, Deon Ooh baby VG+/plays nice/superb Carla 15
Jackson, Deon Ooh baby EX-/wol-flip/superb Carla 20
Jackson, Deon Ooh baby M-/tiny wol-flip/drill hole on edge of label/superb Carla 25
Jackson, Deon Ooh baby EX/sm stmol/maroon lbl/superb Carla 25
Jackson, Deon Ooh baby EX-/superb Carla 25
Jackson, Deon Ooh baby EX+/superb Carla 30
Jackson, Deon Ooh baby EX-/w/promo/superb Carla 35
Jackson, Deon Ooh baby VG++/w/promo/superb Carla 35
Caldwell, Harry Please come back / Nobody loves me like my baby EX/great mid-tempo Carnival 25
Lee Williams And The Cymbals It's everything about you that I love EX+/sol-flip/superb Carnival 125
Lovettes Little miss soul EX-/sm wol-flip/superb Carnival 25
Lovettes Little miss soul EX-/wol/superb Carnival 25
Lovettes Little miss soul EX-/sm wol-flip/clown logo label/superb Carnival 30
Lovettes Little miss soul EX+/sm wol/clown logo label/superb Carnival 35
Lovettes Little miss soul EX-/clown logo label/feint xol-flip/superb Carnival 35
Lovettes Little miss soul (wol & inner lbl edge scuffs-flip) EX-/w/promo/sl warp-nap/superb Carnival 25
Manhattans I call it love / Manhattan stomp EX/2 great sides Carnival 12
Bob Dorman, Vocal TR And The Nomads I can't wait EX/superb semi-known Carter 250
Towns, Chris Va va voom / Non'ya (xol) VG++/2 great Inst's Cee Tee 15
Agee, Ray Your precious love M-/great R&B Celeste 15
Tim I need your love / My side of the track VG++/2 great sides Celtex 15
Tim I need you more / My side of the track M-/2 great sides Celtex 20
Tim I need you more / My side of the track VG++/w/promo//2 great sides Celtex 20
Seals, Jimmy Everybody's doing the jerk VG++/w/demo/great Challenge 15
Seals, Jimmy Runaway heart M-/w/promo/great Challenge 25
Wynns, Sandy The touch of Venus EX-/w/promo/WOL/classic Champion 60
Wynns, Sandy Yes I really love you / Love belongs to everyone EX/2 great sides Champion 20
Clark, Claudine The telephone game M-/recommended Chancellor 25
Gerace, Carlo Wild about that girl M-/w/demo Chancellor 20
Royalettes No big thing EX-/great Chancellor 15
Royalettes No big thing M-/w/demo/great Chancellor 20
Thomas, Luther Who slipped out / Upset the town M-/middle hole off cntr but plays nice/2 great sides Change 30
McKay, Delsie Cast your spell on me M-/rev labels/unknown ? Chapter One 12
McKay, Delsie Cast your spell on me EX+/unknown ? Chapter One 15
Nat & John Pretty woman M-/R&B version/great Charay 8
Gray, Dobie Out on the floor EX/CRG-115/classic Charger 40
Gray, Dobie Out on the floor (1cm sq lbl scuff) EX+/CRG-115/not stamped/classic Charger 10
Bob Brady & The Con Chords Goodbye baby M-/sm sol-flip/green lbl/classic Chariot 100
Berry, Joan Just like my baby / Humpty dumpty M-/Canada/recommended Chateau 50
Butler, Tommy Right on up to the weekend EX+/great Chattahoochee 40
Spidels Like a bee / You know I need you VG+/wol/2 great sides Chavis 10
Spidels Like a bee/You know I need you M-/2 great sides Chavis 15
Ruffin, David Action speaks louder than words / You can get what I got VG+/2 great sides Check Mate 40
Anderson, Kip If that don't make you cry (tiny label wear) EX-/highly recommended Checker 15
Bass, Fontella Rescue me M-/1970 repress/classic Checker 3
Beaver, Jackey Silly boy / Jack-a-rue EX-/w/demo/2 great sides Checker 10
Chandler, Gene I won't need you M-/great Checker 12
Chandler, Gene Such a pretty thing / I fooled you this time EX-/classic/great flip too Checker 12
Chandler, Gene Such a pretty thing / I fooled you this time M-/classic/great flip too Checker 15
Chandler, Gene Such a pretty thing / I fooled you this time (sm sol) EX+/Inc Co slv/classic/great flip too Checker 15
Clickettes I just can't help it / Same-inst EX/DEMO/great Checker 15
Ko Ko Taylor Wang dang doodle EX-/blue label/great R&B Checker 15
Little Milton Just a little bit VG+/great Checker 3
Little Milton So blue (without you) EX-/highly recommended Checker 6
Little Milton So blue (without you) M-/highly recommended Checker 8
Little Milton So blue (without you) M-/demo/wol/Inc Co slv/recommended Checker 15
Little Milton Sometimey EX/blue label/highly recommended Checker 12
Little Milton Sometimey M-/blue label/highly recommended Checker 15
Mary & The Desirables Hurting hurts / You're changing EX-/recommended Checker 15
Mary & The Desirables Hurting hurts / You're changing M-/demo/SOL/recommended Checker 25
Masonic Wonders Just to behold his face M-/recommended Checker 25
Ocapello's Anytime EX/great Checker 15
Williams, Albert I'm in your corner / Tumbling VG++/2 great sides Checker 15
Andy Mack Later than you think / Do you wanta go VG+/rev lbls/sm slim middle hole edge chip/2 great sides Chess 25
Andy Mack Later than you think / Do you wanta go EX-/2 great sides Chess 35

Crossover / 70’s / Modern Soul

Just click on the logo to hear each sound

Artist Title Comments Label Price £  
21st Century Ltd Your smallest wish M-/sl dish-nap/Inc Co sl/superb x-over Beegee 20
Cooper, Bo Don't call it love (stereo) / same (mono) M-/w/promo/Inc Co slv/superb x-over Bell 30
Dearborn, Billie You need me to love you EX+/promo/Inc Co slv/highly recommended Bell 60
Granger, Gerri I can't take it like a man M-/w/promo/superb Bell 20
Interpertations Soul affection / Snap-out (inst. version of A side) M-/funk/great Bell 10
Jackson, June Tenderly, with feeling EX+/great Bell 30
Jackson, June Tenderly, with feeling M-/w/promo/great Bell 30
Masqueraders How big is big EX/w/promo/2.23 timing/recommended Bell 40
Rawls, Lou She's gone M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Bell 15
Rawls, Lou She's gone/same M-/w/promo/Inc Co slv/recommended Bell 15
Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up VG++/Inc Co slv/superb x-over Bell 60
Shirley & The Shirelles Never give you up (tiny lbl tear) (sol & lbl ring wear-flip) EX+/Inc Co slv/superb x-over Bell 60
Tyrone St. German I'm still hooked on you M-/nice Belshazzer 12
Welch, Lenny Just what I need M-/recommended Big Apple 12
Welch, Lenny Just what I need M-/Inc promo business card/recommended Big Apple 15
Lady Wray Do it again / In love M/fantastic new release/great flip too Big Crown 12
Lady Wray Smiling / Make me over M/2 great sides/new release Big Crown 8
Geddes, David Wise up girl M-/classic/superb Big Tree 10
LTG Exchange You'll never learn (about love) EX/superb Big Tree 25
Owens, Gwen I don't want to dance no more / same M-/promo/great dancer Big Tree 8
Showtime Incorporated Please take this heart of mine, girl M-/slight edge skim-nap/recommended Black Circle 10
Showtime Incorporated Please take this heart of mine, girl M-/recommended Black Circle 15
Wilson, George Here stands the man who needs you / Same-Inst VG++/superb x-over Black Circle 30
Vee Jay Where were you M-/great x-over Black Fox 15
Dynamics Shucks I love you / What a shame EX/superb/nice flip too Black Gold 10
La-Jay Alexander Say so / Same-mono EX/promo/slight lbl colour ring wear/superb x-over Black Gold 45
La-Jay Alexander Say so / Same-mono EX/promo/superb x-over Black Gold 50
Love, Devotion & Happiness Love potion #7 /same-inst. M-/w/promo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Black Magic 30
Imperial Wonders Trying to get to you VG++/wol/superb x-over Black Prince 20
Imperial Wonders Trying to get to you VG++/superb x-over Black Prince 25
Imperial Wonders Trying to get to you EX/tiny flat edge warp-nap/superb x-over Black Prince 30
Imperial Wonders Trying to get to you EX-/superb x-over Black Prince 30
Imperial Wonders Trying to get to you EX/sol-flip/superb x-over Black Prince 35
Final Touch It's spinning love / Same-mono M-/promo/great Blue Thumb 5
Dawson, Cliff I can love you better M-/great Boardwalk 6
Tierra Memories / Time to dance EX+/great Boardwalk 5
Boogieman Orchestra Lady, lady, lady / same-inst VG++/highly recommended Boogie Man 8
Boogieman Orchestra Lady, Lady, Lady / same-inst M-/sl wrinkly lbl//highly recommended Boogie Man 10
Boogieman Orchestra Lady, Lady, Lady / same-inst EX+/highly recommended Boogie Man 10
Coffee, Cream & Sugar Gotta find a way / Dance my way into your life M-/x-over/funky dancer-flip/great Both Sides 40
Butler, Jessie Best part of a man / Free to be me M-/2 great sides Bound Sound 10
Promises Living in the footsteps of another girl / Same-mono M-/w/promo/superb version BRC 25
Promises This love is real EX-/w/promo/superb version BRC 25
Valentine Bros. Money's too tight to mention M-/classic Bridge 10
Valentine Bros. Money's too tight to mention/Same M-/w/promo/classic Bridge 20
Mitchell, Barbara I won't change M-/nice Brown Bag 10
Hatcher, Roger We gonna make it M- Brown Dog 10
Hatcher, Roger We gonna make it M-/w/promo Brown Dog 15
McArthur I'll never trust you again M-/w/promo Brown Dog 10
Ultimates Girl I've been trying to tell you VG++/v sl warp-nap/classic x-over Br-roma 450
Artistics It's those little things that count / Being in love EX+/superb Brunswick 20
Bernard, Chuck Contract on love / same M-/w/promo/great Brunswick 15
Chi-lites Living in the footsteps of another man M-/great version Brunswick 20
Hart, Randy The other one M-/promo/wol/Inc Co slv/great mid-tempo Brunswick 25
Hart, Randy The other one M-/promo/great mid-tempo Brunswick 30
LaShannon, Ronnie Where has our love gone / Same-mono EX/w/promo/recommnded Brunswick 20
Lost Generation Pretty little angel eyes / You only get out of love EX-/EX+ flip/2 superb x-over sides Brunswick 50
Maryann Farra & Satin Soul Living in the footsteps of another girl M-/great version Brunswick 15
Maryann Farra & Satin Soul Never gonna leave you M-/recommended Brunswick 12
Touch Me and you M-/great Brunswick 8
Valery, Dana I'm a woman now / same-mono M-/w/promo Brunswick 8
Wilson, Jackie This Love Is Real VG++/superb Brunswick 10
Wilson, Jackie This Love Is Real EX+/lite wol/superb Brunswick 12
Wilson, Jackie This Love Is Real EX/superb Brunswick 12
Wilson, Jackie This Love Is Real M-/superb Brunswick 15
Wilson, Jackie This Love Is Real / Same-mono M-/promo/Inc Co slv/superb Brunswick 30
Wilson, Jackie What'cha gonna do about love M-/recommended Brunswick 15
Barbara Mason & The Futures Make it last VG+/superb Buddah 12
Barbara Mason & The Futures Make it last VG++sl lbl ring/superb Buddah 12
Barbara Mason & The Futures Make it last M-/Inc EX Pic slv/superb Buddah 25
Barbara Mason & The Futures We got each other/same (with torn pic. Sleeve) EX+/promo/nice slowy Buddah 5
Black Satin + Fred Parris Everybody stand and clap our hands/same EX-/promo/recommended Buddah 12
Black Satin + Fred Parris Everybody stand and clap our hands / same M-/promo/recommended Buddah 15
Black Satin + Fred Parris Everybody stand and clap your hands/Hey there pretty lady M-/WOL/recommended Buddah 15
Black Satin + Fred Parris Everybody stand and clap your hands/Hey there pretty lady EX+/recommended Buddah 20
Connors, Norman Once I've been there M-/recommended Buddah 10
Ebonys Making love ain't no fun / part 2 M-/recommended Buddah 15
Ebonys Making love ain't no fun/same EX/promo/recommended Buddah 12
Ebonys Making love ain't no fun/same M-/promo/recommended Buddah 15
Fifth Avenue featuring Carol Townes Wheeler dealer / same M-/promo/great Buddah 8
Green, Marie Sorry, that number's been disconnected EX+/recommended Buddah 15
Henderson, Michael Take me I'm yours EX-/superb Buddah 12
Henderson, Michael Take me I'm yours / same M-/w/promo/superb Buddah 20
Jackson, Jimmy Footsteps in the shadows M-/great Buddah 10
Mason, Barbara Bed and board M-/nice mid-tempo Buddah 6
Modulations I can't fight your love / Your love has me locked up EX-/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Buddah 15
Motherlode Hard life M-/funk Buddah 6
Norman, Jimmy I Wanna Make Love To You (sl lbl wear) / same-mono M-/promo/awesome Buddah 12
Norman, Jimmy I wanna make love to you / same M-/promo/awesome Buddah 15
Owens, Tony All that matters / same M-/promo/recommended Buddah 15
Paragons Oh lovin' you / same M-/promo/recommended Buddah 15
Perkins, Al Yes, my goodness yes / same M-/w/promo/recommended Buddah 20
Ray, Chuck Baby please don't let go M-/promo/Inc Co slv/superb Buddah 30
Sins Of Satan Dance and free your mind (Pt I) / Same (Pt II) EX+/highly recommended Buddah 25
Vitamin E Sharing EX-/awesome Buddah 8
Vitamin E Sharing M-/awesome Buddah 10
Vitamin E Sharing/same-mono M-/w/promo/awesome Buddah 12
Wilson, Bobby Deeper and deeper / same M-/promo/recommended Buddah 12
Young Gents Think about the children / Big things come in small packages EX+/promo/nice/funk flip Buddah 15
Impalas What should he do / I still love you M-/great mid-tempo/sweet Bunky 10
Family Of Swede Everybody must pay / same-mono M-/promo/Inc Co slv Butter Fields 8
Family Of Swede I got to move on / same-mono EX-/w/promo/recommended Butter Fields 10
Family Of Swede I got to move on / same-mono M-/w/promo/Inc Co slv/recommended Butter Fields 15
Samson I need your lovin' M-/great Buttermilk 15
Dells Closer VG+/great/class! Cadet 4
Dells Closer EX/great/class! Cadet 6
Dells Closer M-/great/class! Cadet 8
Dells It's all up to you (2 x's ol) EX+/superb Cadet 40
Naturals I Can't Share You/young Generation M-/lite lbl ring/nice m-tempo/funk flip Calla 8
Naturals I can't share you / Young generation M-/nice m-tempo/funk flip Calla 10
Rudy Love & Love Family Ain't nuthin' spooky M-/recommended Calla 15
Acklin, Barbara Raindrops EX-/wol/recommended Capitol 8
Acklin, Barbara Raindrops EX+/recommended Capitol 10
Brown Sugar The game is over / I'm going through changes now EX+/w/promo/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Capitol 75
Dayton It must be love EX-/v sl warp-nap/Inc Co slv/recommended Capitol 25
Frazier, Joe Gonna spend my life EX+/promo/Inc Co slv/great funk Capitol 15
Frazier, Joe If you go stay gone / Truly,truly lovin' me   EX-/promo/Inc Co slv/great Capitol 8
Frazier, Joe If you go stay gone / Truly,truly lovin' me EX+/promo/great Capitol 10
Jimmy Beaumont & The Skyliners I could have loved you so well M-/Inc Co slv/great mid-tempo Capitol 12
Joy Of Cooking Only time will tell me M-/Canadian/Inc Co slv/nice Capitol 3
Lizzmore, Michael Promise that you'll wait M-/w/promo/Inc Co slv/great version Capitol 60
Lizzmore, Michael Promise that you'll wait M-/Inc Co slv/great version Capitol 60
Maze Featuring Frankie Beverly Joy and pain / Back in stride VG++/2 superb sides Capitol 3
Maze Featuring Frankie Beverly While I'm alone EX+/best version Capitol 15
Mcgriff, Jimmy Fat cakes / Sugar, sugar EX+/Inc Co slv/2 funk inst's Capitol 8
Rance Allen Group Reason to survive / Same-mono M-/promo/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 60
Strong, Barrett Is it true (wol) M-/Inc Co slv/superb Capitol 40
Tee, Willie I'm only a man VG++/promo/v sl warp-nap/superb Capitol 40
Wilson, Nancy Ocean of love EX/Inc Co slv/recommended Capitol 12
Wilson, Nancy Ocean of love M-/recommended Capitol 15
Sea Level Shake a leg M- Capricorn 3
Smith, OC Just couldn't help myself EX/great Caribou 10
Jackson, Deon You gotta love / You'll wake up wiser M-/2 great sides Carla 20
Carmen Rose bud / Isn't it lonely EX+/yellow lbl/2 superb x-over sides Carmen 300
Ray Frazier And The Shades Of Madness Your eyes EX/superb x-over Carriage Trade 50
Pree, Karen Make love last forever / Same-Inst M-/promo/superb Casablanca 60
Reynolds, Jeannie Hit and run M-/recommended Casablanca 10
Reynolds, Jeannie Hit and run M-/promo/recommended Casablanca 10
Reynolds, Jeannie Unwanted Company M-/great Casablanca 10
Reynolds, Jeannie Unwanted Company (sol) EX/great Casablanca 8
Robert Winters & Fall Do it any way you want / Lock me up M-/2 great sides Casablanca 15
Santos, Larry Can't get you off my mind EX-/superb Casablanca 10
Santos, Larry Can't get you off my mind EX/Inc Co slv/superb Casablanca 12
Santos, Larry Can't get you off my mind M-/superb Casablanca 15
Scott, Gloria Just as long as we're together / There will never be another (Inst) EX/superb Casablanca 8
Topics Women's liberation M-/great Castle 15
Little Beaver Little girl blue / Ain't no time M-/2 great sides Cat 12
Anacostia All I need M-/UK/sm mark on edge-nap/Inc Co slv/recommended CBS 5
Anacostia All I need M-/UK/Inc Co slv/recommended CBS 6
Crack Of Dawn I can't move no mountains EX-/Dutch/colour pic sleeve CBS 25
Dyson, Ronnie The more you do it EX+/UK/BLUE VINYL/great CBS 6
Moore, Jackie How's your love life baby / Do ya' got what it takes M-/w/promo/UK/2 great sides CBS 8
Taylor, Johnnie I love to make love when it's raining EX-/Holland/highly recommneded CBS 5
Tymes feat.George Williams Someone to watch over me / She's gone M-/UK/recommended CBS 20
Lucas, Matt You gotta love / Same-mono EX-/promo/recommended Celebration 8
Lucas, Matt You gotta love / Same-mono M-/promo/recommended Celebration 10
Jade Brown and beautiful EX-/sl lbl ring wear-flip/superb x-over Century City 35
Jade Brown and beautiful (light lbl ring wear) EX/wol & sol-flip/superb x-over Century City 40
Wilson, Bobby Here is where the love is M-/WOL/fantastic x-over Chain 8
Wilson, Bobby Here is where the love is M-/fantastic x-over Chain 10
Little Milton Campbell Somebody's changin' my sweet baby's mind EX-/recommended Checker 8
Sheen, Bobby Love stealing / same M-/w/promo/recommended Chelsea 15
Sherm (Reb) Nesbary Don't make me sorry / All my life, all my love M-/superb x-over/brown lbl/great flip too Cheri 30
Burke, Solomon I'm leaving on that late,late train M-/recommended Chess 8
Free Spirit Love you just as long as I can (xol) / Same-inst M-/w/promo/recommended Chess 20
Shadow People don't know what love is / Same EX+/promo/recommended Chess 30
T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me (wol) / Falling in love EX-/EX+ flip/w/promo/superb/great flip too Chess 35
T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me / Falling in love VG++/w/promo/superb/great flip too Chess 30
T.N.J.'s Don't forget about me / Falling in love VG++/superb/great flip too Chess 20
Hudson, Michael The angels listened in M-/great Chimneyville 10
Adams, Arthur Can't wait to see you / same M-/w/promo/Inc Co slv/superb Chisa 15
Chandler, Gene Make the living worthwhile / Time is a thief M-/2 great sides Chi-Sound 8
Jackson, Walter If I had my way / same M-/promo/what a voice ! Chi-Sound 10
Keyes, Troy See no evil / same-mono (sm light wol) M-/promo/superb Chumley 30
Superior Movement For you / Same M-/w/promo/great CIM 5
Baker, Johnny Operator Operator M-/great Cisco 12
Valentinos I can understand it-Part I / Same-Part II EX-/great Clean 10
Johnson, Rozetta To love somebody / same M-/w/promo Clintone 10
Caldwell, Bobby What you won't do for love VG++/highly recommended Clouds 15
Caldwell, Bobby What you won't do for love M-/highly recommended Clouds 20
Krystal Generations You were never mine M-/superb Crossover CMC 25
Festivals Take your time M-/sm warp-nap/superb Colossus 10
Festivals Take your time M-/superb Colossus 15
Henry, Virgil I can't believe your really leaving / Same-mono EX+/promo/superb Colossus 25
I. A. P. Co. Check yourself M-/superb version/great flip too Colossus 25
Mob I'd like to see more of you M-/Inc Co slv/great Colossus 10
8th Avenue Band The whole thing EX/orange lbl/great/rare issue Columbia 20
8th Avenue Band The whole thing EX/grey lbl/great/rare issue Columbia 25
8th Avenue Band The whole thing / Same-mono EX/promo/wol/great Columbia 25
Anacostia All I need / same M-/w/promo/recommended Columbia 5
Anderson, Deborah Dont Know What's Coming Tomorrow M-/nice mid-tempo/rare issue-stock copy Columbia 10
Boz Scaggs Lowdown EX+/highly recommended Columbia 15
Boz Scaggs Lowdown EX-/highly recommended Columbia 12
Boz Scaggs Lowdown (sm wol) EX/highly recommended Columbia 12
Davis, Tyrone Just my luck M-/Inc Co slv/recommended Columbia 20
Davis, Tyrone Just my luck / Same M-/w/promo/Inc Co slv/recommended Columbia 25
Dyson, Ron Are we ready for love EX+/w/promo/great Columbia 8
Dyson, Ronnie Lady in red EX-/w/promo/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 35
Dyson, Ronnie Lady in red M-/w/promo/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 40
Dyson, Ronnie Lady in red M-/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 30
Dyson, Ronnie You and me / The more you do it EX/2 great sides Columbia 12
Gateway Can't accept the fact / Same-mono M-/w/promo/Inc Co slv/superb Columbia 30
Ghetto Children I just gotta find someone to love me / Same-mono EX/w/promo/recommended Columbia 8
Grant, Eleanor You oughta be here with me M-/wol/recommended Columbia 15
Miles, Buddy We got love / same-mono M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/great Columbia 8
Moore, Jackie This time baby EX-/recommended Columbia 6
Moore, Jackie This Time Baby M-/recommended Columbia 8
Moore, Jackie This Time Baby/Same-mono M-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 10
Nobles Nobody but you / same M-w/demo/great Columbia 20
Pockets Come go with me M-/recommended Columbia 20
Pockets Happy for love / same M-/w/demo/Inc Co sleeve/recommended Columbia 8
Shaw, Marlena Pictures and memories / Same-mono EX/w/promo/recommended Columbia 6
Silver, Stirling Damned if I do / Sunshine (when I got you) EX-/2 great sides Columbia 20
Silver, Stirling Damned if I do / Sunshine (when I got you) M-/ink stamps ol/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Columbia 20
Silver, Stirling Damned if I do/Sunshine (when I got you) M-/2 great sides Columbia 25
Taylor, Johnnie You're the best in the world EX/recommended Columbia 8
Tower Of Power You ought to be havin' fun (wol) / While we went to the moon EX-/A TIP!!!/great flip too Columbia 15
Tower of Power You ought to be havin' fun / same M-/w/demo/stmol & wol-flip/A TIP!!! Columbia 12
Tower of Power You ought to be havin' fun / same M-/w/demo/A TIP!!! Columbia 15
Tower Of Power You ought to be havin' fun / While we went to the moon VG++/A TIP!!!/great flip too Columbia 15
Tower Of Power You ought to be havin' fun / While we went to the moon M-/A TIP!!!/great flip too Columbia 20
Troy Please say you want me / Same-mono EX/w/promo/nice ballad Columbia 3
Tymes feat. George Williams Someone to watch over me / She's gone M-/w/demo/Inc Co slv/recomnded Columbia 15
Womack, Bobby Trust your heart EX-/recommended Columbia 12
Womack, Bobby Trust your heart EX+/recommended Columbia 15
Womack, Bobby Trust your heart/same M-/w/demo/recommended Columbia 15
Ledgends Fear not / Gotta let you go EX+/w/promo/2 great x-over sides Commonwealth United 60
Davis, Mary Woe be unto you / Lovin you EX-/2 great sides Conclave 15
Banks, Darrell The love of my woman EX-/great Cotillion 15
Enticers Calling for your love / Storyteller EX-/sl lbl colour ring wear/2 great sides Cotillion 35
Green, Garland 80-90-100 m.p.h. / If a dream goes by M-/w/demo/nice Cotillion 10
Hatcher, Willie Have a heart, girl (light WOL) / You got quality (light lbl edge stain) EX-/w/promo/2 great sides Cotillion 25
Sebastian Williams And His Soul Men The one you can't have EX+/w/promo/Inc Co slv/great Cotillion 30
Smith, Moses Keep on striving / Come on, let me love you EX+/w/promo/sl warp-nap/PL press/Inc Co slv/2 superb sides Cotillion 350
Tony & Tandy Two can make it together / Bitter with the sweet M-/Inc Co slv/2 great sides Cotillion 20
Tony & Tandy Two can make it together/Bitter with the sweet EX+/w/demo/great Cotillion 30
Colon, Johnny Mombo Suzie EX-/v sl warp-nap/great Latin Cotique 3
Johnny Kirk & Lilly Thomas Bitter with the sweet EX-/wol-flip/recommended Cotique 10
Burton, Jeanne Nobody loves me like you do do) M- Cotton 6
Kennedy, Ray She's a lady M-/great Cream 5
Jenkins, Diane Tow-a-way zone VG++/faulty flip/great Creative Funk 5
Butler, Billy She's got me singing / Feel the magic M-/great Curtom 15
Butler, Billy She's got me singing/same M-/demo/great Curtom 15
Hutson, Leroy Love oh love (WOL) / I'm in love with you girl VG++/great Curtom 30
Impressions I'll always be here VG++/recommended Curtom 8
Impressions I'll always be here EX-/WOL/recommended Curtom 12
Impressions I'll always be here M-/recommended Curtom 15
Impressions Love me (black star printed ol) M-/promo/Inc Co slv/styrene/alternate version/indemand Curtom 25
June & Donnie What's this I see / I thank you baby M-/2 great sides Curtom 12
Major Lance Stay away from me EX+/great Curtom 10
Natural Four Love's so wonderful / Same-mono EX+/promo/Inc Co slv/superb Curtom 40
Waters, Freddie Singing a new song / Same M-/promo/recommended Curtom 10
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